King of Sweden Last Bloodline Chapter 1

Hitaman (Heatamen) the King of Sweden and possessor of the 13th royal bloodline must find a way to pass his bloodline on before he dies. He resides in a land of 13 countries each with their own royal bloodlines and their own rulers. The royal bloodlines are the life force of each country and each bloodline has it’s own unique power. If the royal bloodlines were to die the countries that they are connected to will also die. Each person in the royal bloodline only has the ability to have one child. This means that at all cost the child can not die or the country will die. 

Hitaman’s daughter was killed in an assassination attempt by an unknown assailant making him the last of the 13th bloodline. He seeks vigorously to find another way to pass on his bloodline before he dies or his entire country will die out like the 9th and the 7th nations; who’s bloodlines mysteriously disappeared hundreds of years ago. Leaving the countries a barren waste land and infested with monsters known as Pharos.

Author/Artist: Bryan Golden, Madison Hawthorne
Imprint: Self-published / OEL
Language: English
Age Rating: Teen (13+)

Tags:   Action, Digital, eManga Submissions, Fantasy
