The youth of Tatsumiya Island lived ordinary lives, but their peaceful existence was all a lie. The invasion of the Festum, the shining golden enemy, transforms their peaceful island into a high-tech military fortress. Toh Ubukata, the series organizer and script writer, novelizes the hit anime series. The beginning of a whole new Fafner, this novel includes the thoughts of Soshi, Maya, Shoko and more that didn't appear in the anime series along with battles of the Fafner and Festum in Ubukata's exciting style.

Author/Artist: Tow Ubukata
ISBN: 1569708207
ISBN-13: 9781569708200
Manufacturer: Digital Manga Publishing
250 pages
Dimensions: 4.25 x 6.75
Age 16+
Release Date: July, 2008

Tags:   Action, Digital, Drama, Mecha, Novel, Sci-Fi, Shounen

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